Since I started this blog in 2007, I have made quite a number of blogging friends, including Alissa of, who I met online back then. She has remained one of my favorite (if I can say that; it's like using that word with one of my kids or something, which of course, I know not to ever play favorites with them) bloggers and a true friend.
If you've never checked out her site, you really should. In the blog portion, she gets very personal and doesn't seem to hold anything back when it comes to her thoughts and her health issues. Then, there is also the lighter side of things with her videos (Hayden just loves the music in them and usually sings along) and raw food (you can purchase kale chips in the warmer months, up until Oct. 15, and nut milk cheese in the winter, starting online Nov. 1, although New Yorkers can pick some up at Live Live and Organic).
Recently, Alissa also celebrated a birthday, and instead of me sending her a gift, she sent one to me. Knowing that I had been dying to try her nut milk cheese (I wanted to buy some at the end of last season; it's been a long wait, but well worth it), she sent me a sample of the herb flavor (it also comes in plain and smoked), along with the nicest hand-written note (you know how I love hand-written notes) recommending I try it in her date appetizer recipe.
The sweet and savory appetizer really hit the spot and showcased the nut milk cheese beautifully. Alissa makes her cheese with probiotics to both balance out the sweet and to provide a more authentic cheese-like flavor. It is so worth it.