I'm on a citrus kick as of this a.m. I "kicked" off my day with a cilantro lime green smoothie, an embellished version of yesterday's banilla shake (a combination of my favorite greens, cilantro, lime, coconut butter, lucuma, vanilla and bananas; sounds like I'm also into bananas at the moment, but that's nothing new).

Unfortunately, the recipe was no where to be found, so I expanding my search to the rest of the Web. To my surprise, grapefruit mousse is a fairly common dessert. I found a ton of cooked recipes (like this Pink Grapefruit Mousse with Berry Sauce, Frozen Grapefruit Mousse, Easy White Chocolate-Grapefruit Mousse with Chocolate Phyllo, and Ginger and Grapefruit Mousse), but none of them were raw. I'd have to conquer this one myself.

Here is what I came up with (I'm doing a much better job now of writing these things down):
Citrus Kicked White Chocolate
with Ginger Mousse
(more like a pudding, but still fits the bill)
1 cup coconut meat
6-8 Tbsp. fresh pink grapefruit juice (I juiced about 1/2 a grapefruit)
1/4 cup agave nectar
1/8 cup raw cocoa butter
1 Tbsp. lucuma powder
1 tsp. vanilla
grated fresh ginger, to taste
dash of sea salt
Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth and creamy. Pour into serving glass or bowl, chill and serve.
*Makes two small servings (one for you and one to share), or if you're like me, one large greedy portion.
I topped mine with a few small pieces of grapefruit and some cocoa butter shavings. Enjoy!
Looks delicious! Question: looks like you just "peeled" that coconut and then froze it. How did you do it? I can only get the milk (through the eye), not the meat. Gonna have to try this recipe soon! My kiddos love grapefruit!
I know, the picture is deceiving. I scooped out all the meat and froze the meat and the liquid separately. I just happened to have this photo leftover from when I hacked it open.
Our fridge is filling up with coconut meat for post-feast consumption. Glad to know it freezes well, and even happier to have another recipe to use it with. : )
Look delicious. Today I am having the grapefruit juice solo, but look forward to tasting the combo.
x B
mmmmmmm. . . did you pick up on the white chocolate mousse candle vibes (i've been waxing poetic about it all over my blog lately!!) because this would be perfect to eat while smelling the candle. . . picking up lucuma powder tomorrow (well crossing my fingers that the health food store has it in stock, if not i'll have to order it)
xx jenny
Yah, we're both into bananas and vanilla. lol, I didn't even see your "banilla" post till this morning. :0)
The recipe looks great.
Very cool!!!
B, I saw those beautiful coconuts on Carrie's blog. I'm so jealous. Don't let that lovely coconut meat go to waste. Hurry, get it in the freezer.
Jenny, I must be picking up on those vibes. I told you I can sometimes smell your blog posts.
Charissa, it is just another case of how all our minds seem to think alike. I'm always seeing these coincidences in the blogs I visit.
Thanks Kristen. Loved your smishy chunky love post.
Shannonmarie! I just read your article on We Like it Raw!!! Congratulations! It was a great, fun article. Now everyone will be making soup. :0) Soon you'll be as popular as Sarma! :0)
Inspirational Blogger Award
I've nominated you! Tag...you're it! Check it out on my blog today :)
That looks great! I'm going to admit, I love watching Rachael Ray, I just wish she didn't make such meat-laden dishes =(
Thanks Kristen. Now, I'm gonna tag you, Charissa.
Romina, I agree with you about the meat dishes. Thank goodness she doesn't just focus on food during her show. I like her personality.
My mom, sister and I drove about an hour away in the snow to make it to a book signing of hers about 2 years ago. She's so cute in person.
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