I'm sitting here eating my reinvented version of the original Thrive recovery pudding, a recipe I fall back on whenever I want to feel like a healthy athletic vegan chick.
Since it is the start to a new year, I felt the pressure to clean up my diet (at least for the first week or two), just like almost everyone else with a pulse. You can't turn on the television without seeing a Weight Watchers commercial (okay, I won't knock that one, since it did work for my mom), an infomercial for the newest fitness gadget (why buy an ab machine, when you can do crunches and other abdominal exercises for free?) or an ad for Alli, the latest in a line of unnatural weight loss pills (I don't even know what to say about that one).
But, you don't need any of that when you fill your diet with unprocessed raw foods. Your body slims down naturally, and you have more energy to keep you in shape. Due to my raw lifestyle, I didn't have to resolve to lose weight or join a gym.
Now, I have been making a lot of decadent raw treats during the holidays. All those nuts, seeds and sweeteners can get a little heavy, so it is nice to go back to some more simplified meals. I'm still on my green smoothie kick, as always, eating more warming soups (to counteract the effects of those cold beverages), snacking on more than my share of raw fruits and veggies, and making basic blended concoctions, like this pudding.

Since I almost never follow a recipe exactly (as seen in my substitutions so far), I also added some vanilla, almond extract, cinnamon (enhances the chocolate flavor) and maca (it almost makes the pudding taste malty, and it has a wealth of health benefits).

For those of you still cleaning up after your holiday, check out this article from Plenty magazine (one of my favorites) that will help you reduce, reuse and recycle the evidence.
P.S. Although I have lightened up my menu a bit, I will still find room for those "rawified" childhood favorites and dense raw desserts. Due to popular demand, I might even post the recipe for those "million dollar" mint chocolate brownies (Rawbin said she'd pay that much for the recipe, but I gave it to her free of charge).
Hey darling,
How do you feel about the Thrive book? I mean...maybe better put this way...if you're a High Raw Vegan, would you enjoy it as much as if you were just vegan?
Cheers and Hugs!
Are you asking about the orginal "Thrive" or "The Thrive Diet" book? I have both because I bought the first before the second one came out.
It you don't have either one, I recommend only getting the new one since it covers everything in the first one, with the exception of a couple recipes, which I "rawify" (as seen in this post).
The new one has both raw and cooked recipes, but even the cooked recipes are easy to make into raw versions. I think it was worth the price just for the new version of the recovery pudding. I'll post it tomorrow if you'd like.
Thanks! Is it just recipes or does it have info about athletics, health, recovery, raw/vegan (stuff like that?). Worthy of reading if you're mostly or all Raw or mostly apply if you're vegan (meaning he talks a lot about things that pertain to vegan cooked foods?
You're welcome. I think I answered most of your questions in my post today. If not, you know where to find me :-)
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