That title has already been claimed by this fellow blogger, Darice Michelle. She even looks a lot like our famous superhero.
There's also Koya Webb, who recently competed on "American Gladiators," and Tonya Kay, a fellow raw foodie, who appeared on "Who Wants to Be a Superhero." I laughed my butt off (so that's what happened to it, if I ever had one at all) at one of the guys in the first season, who really thought he was his character while saving a lost girl. He had the moves down pat :-)
For those of you who may be a little confused by the title, don't be. I'm merely responding to Jenny's comment to my last post about "Super Donut Holes." I think she got caught up in the whole super topic, asking to call me "Wonder Woman."
But, I'm no more of a superhero than any other wonderful woman in this world. I'm just the run-of-the-mill wife and mom, who lives out her daily life in a small town, fulfilling her martial and motherly duties, going to work part-time to help finance the home-life and taking time to indulge in her own hobbies (everyone needs a little "me time"). I just happen to blog about it.
I bet everyone knows someone just like me in their lives, and I'm sure you are all superheros in your own right. So, I encourage all of you to believe in yourself, strive for what makes you happy, and don't beat yourself up if you don't follow through to completion. Celebrate all your achievements and all the special traits that make you an individual.
Then, get on that computer and blog about it. If I can do it, you can, too.
It's easy. I just started spontaneously, while reading a blog like this one. Out of the blue, I clicked on the link in the top right corner to create my own blog. I picked a name and a background, and I was on my way.
Now, I hadn't planned for this journey, so my first post was definitely far from my favorite and is still gets made fun of from time to time. I didn't know what to say, had no idea how this blogger thing worked and was unfamiliar with the family digital camera (If you hadn't guessed already, I take all my own photos; no wonder they look so silly).
But, I think I've come a long way since then. My photography skills have improved a little and I'm getting the swing of things. And, thanks to all my readers (you know who you are), I am motivated to keep this blog afloat.
I hope that I'm inspiring you to do the same, whether it be starting your own blog, keeping up with the one you already have or just doing your best to live a healthy lifestyle.
My friend Rawbin has started blogging on Give It To Me Raw, and has totally embraced the raw way of life. I'm so proud of her. She's been making raw dishes to share with her family, experimenting more in the kitchen and staying raw, even when she is out at restaurants (she actually found a way to stay raw at Fuddrucker's of all places).
Hey Rawbin, I ate at Chipotle again last night. I always get the vegetarian salad with only (no rice or beans) extra lettuce, extra fresh tomato salsa and extra guacamole. The people who work there look at me strange and double-check my order, but it is worth it.
I'm on a Mexican kick tonight, too. I'm making a layered dip for what should have been the Golden Globes. I also have some "fried" zucchini (Italian-style, not Mexican; a girl can mix it up a bit, right?) in my dehydrator at the moment for our Sunday appetizer menu.

I froze the leftover vanilla cream from my mallomars in an ice cube tray to demonstrate to him how you can use your food processor to make ice cream. To my surprise, it froze to the perfect consistency. I also put in some chopped up leftover mallomars (I somehow managed to put some of those in the freezer before they were all gone), and topped it of with a strawberry. I'm so bad :-)
By the way, yes, that is my Wonder Woman shirt in the ice cream photo. I took it off for this pic, but I am wearing another one (a shirt that is) now.
Also, before I forget, wish Heidi a happy belated birthday. I believe it was yesterday.
we're doing ice cream sundaes tonight for dinner- perfect for the night before a big snowstorm and partly inspired by your photo of the countless toppings you spread out!
oh and yes you're right, we're all incredible and superpower-filled in our own ways, every single one of us!
ugh. i went to high school with the son of the guy who started fuddrucker's. what a pain. he always sat behind me in alphabetical order. and he used to tip my desk over all the time while i was sitting in it. talk about pest.
Thanks for the help! Can't access GITMR on wknds from my home computer for some reason. Anyways, I had ground flax meal instead of ground flax seed (couldn't find ground flax seed in my hfs). I figured that is what might have made the difference. I figured they were the same thing, but my rolls were gritty, and actually stuck to the roof of your mouth. The kids didn't know whether the "buns" on the plate were for them, or were dog treats (hahaha). I will give it another try tho, with all the rave reviews, figure it must be operator error on my end :0)
So, when my breakfast out of state was mealy apples, and my lunch turned out to be mealy apples (I was offered 2 slices of white bread with cheese whiz but declined) I went out to dinner with the idea that I was going to have a BIG meal! The waiter who started my order was baffled when I asked to substitute a platter of corn chips with a plate of celery... Then the CHEF came out and personally took the rest of my order. He seemed almost thrilled to be doing something creative with all his veggies instead of sticking to the menu. He stood at my table, listed off the fresh veggies he had available and I told him what I'd like. He came out with a huge, carefully prepared salad that I filled up on. He only charged me $4.99! Who says eating raw costs more??
Then I thought of your mallomars Shannon as I passed by the Mallow Mall today (somewhere in West Virginia)
Did you make the Wonder Woman shirt?
Jenny, thanks for the inspiration for this post. You've got superpowers, too. Enjoy your sundaes ... and the snow. We've only had one snowfall so far.
Alissa, I didn't know you knew that guy's son. Somehow I am not surprised by your story.
Kathy, thanks for sending me that message. I replied and gave a couple tips for the cinnamon rolls.
First, make sure your flax is freshly ground (don't buy the meal). You can also increase the nutmeal (pecan tastes good, too) and decrease the flax.
You can also sweeten them more with extra agave and date paste.
Let me know if you still need some assistance :-)
Rawbin, that chef sounded so cool. I wish there were more like him. That price is a steal.
No, I cannot take credit for the shirt. My sister got it for me as a Christmas present the same year my son was born. It is even funnier because it is part of an underoos set with matching blue with white stars underwear. I know ... TMI.
Aww, you are such a CUTIE!! I love that picture of you!
Thanks. You always look so cute in yours, too.
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