Creative juice, that is. How come I don't have it when I need it most?
If you can recall, I received a Creative Blogger award recently, which I happily passed along to fellow deserving bloggers, including one Jenny Bo Benny. Now, guess what that silly rawbit did (you already know if you just read her post)? She passed it right back to me.
Bam. Ouch. It hit me like an unexpected boomerang, although one for which I am truly grateful. Thanks Jenny.

Can I really accept another creativity award with a post like this? Oh well, it will just direct the attention to those who I'm about to recognize. I am spotlighting the following nominees in each of the five categories (check back to this site to collect your awards):
In the category of Inspirational Blogger, I award Kris Carr, known for her "Crazy Sexy Cancer" documentary and blog of the same name. She has folks seeing the once dreaded "c" word in a whole new light. Dhru, the leader of the WLIR squad, will be posting a guest spot on her blog soon.
As for the Courageous Blogger, this honor goes to Oscar, Tanja's partner in crime (well, you know what I mean) at Freshtopia.net, who has been open about his battle with brain cancer. Although mostly behind the scenes, he is responsible for keeping that vlog afloat with his video and directing skills. Maybe that's why Tanja always looks so good.
This is the first I have seen this award. I'm bestowing the title of Charity Blogger to both Heidi and Justin of Raw Food Right Now, who are always giving us up-to-the-minute info about what's happening in the raw food world and updating their ever growing ultimate list of raw bloggers (you might not be reading this if it wasn't for them), without ever asking for anything in return. They've even started their own awards, giving one of the first to the members of the WLIR squad (thanks you two; I'd like to honor you with one, too).
I'd like to highlight this next blogger with the Thoughtful Blogger award. April of Raw Food Passion, who is, as her blog title states, very passionate about raw food and extremely appreciative of the comments left by her visitors. She's also very sweet.
And, yet again, I'm presenting another Creative Blogger Award, which goes to Terilynn of The Daily Raw Cafe, who although juice feasting at the moment, has still managed to bless us (and her family) with some beautiful photos of her artistic looking meals. And, abracadabra, she even turned Sarma into a wrap.
Enjoy your awards. I'll toast you with some ABC (apple, beet, carrot) juice :-)

Thanks so much for giving me this award! So sweeet! Also, I may be asking your help with using this nesco dehydrator I just got. Mostly I am curious about how long certain things should be dehydrated. I am thinking of making some nachos. Have a great day!
Thank you so much Shannonmarie,
It looks like I'm in very good company. I of course identify with Kris Carr in the cancer dept. I think sharing stories is an important part of healing, and will hopefully lead to more preventative measures and attitudes.
Health and Happiness to you,
Director, Freshtopia.net
Raw Chocolate Recipe - can you send me an email address and I'll send it to you??
Your welcome, April. You know where to find me with your questions.
Oscar, you totally deserve this award. Hope all is well.
Caron, the mail should be in your inbox asap.
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