I know I usually have donuts every Friday for breakfast, but can't a girl change it up a bit? I mean, I think I had more than my fill of them last week. Ha ha.
So, instead of raw "baked" goods, I had an extra green, green tea smoothie to start my day. I had hope to have one with our Thursday Night Raw meal last night, but alas, my tummy was too full to find room for one.
What did we have for dinner last night? I'll give you the details tomorrow, since, as you know, I take Friday nights off from blogging to spend the evening with the fam (that's short for family).
But, I will leave you with this photo of what I did make for dessert. It was essential for celebrating the Chinese New Year. I'll let Tanja and Oscar tell you more about that.
Happy Friday :-)
oooh green tea smoothie... that sounds good! what's in it!?
Cool fortune cookies! What did they taste like?? I bet that would look cute on a t-shirt... You know, like something a fan club member would wear? A picture of this rawdorable little cookie, with a fortune wisping up out of it?
Raw Fortune Cookies!! You never cease to amaze me, SM! I love it....I tried to make your fritos, but I don't think I had your magic touch.
When are you going to publish a book of your outstanding recipes? Maybe even an ebook to start??
Hey britanie. I'm so glad you're back. I left you a comment about the smoothie on your GITMR page.
Rawbin, I love the shirt idea. If the cookies make it to Monday, I'll bring you one.
Penni, what happened with the Frito's? I know you have the touch, too. I've tested out a few of your magical recipes.
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