That's something I ask myself all the time. It seems like yesterday that Jacob was a little baby getting his first tooth, and now he's already lost it.

He's been begging me all week to show the rest of you by posting about it on this blog. So, since it is Friday (his usual posting day), I thought I'd share this milestone today.

Losing his first tooth was definitely a big deal to him, especially when all the other kids in his preschool class have already lost theirs. He walked into the classroom with a big grin on his face, exposing the gap where his tooth used to be.

Speaking of going to class, he also completed preschool this week (I registered him for kindergarten last week). Doesn't he look cute in his graduation cap? It was so breezy at the graduation ceremony/picnic yesterday that I was lucky to get a pic with him wearing it.
Despite the windy weather, the kids still had a blast on the beach, playing in the sand and putting their feet in the water. The event turned out much better than expected, although we all felt we might blow away during the actual ceremony.
Eating also was a bit of a challenge, but more about keeping the food on the plate as opposed to what to put on it. I ended up having two ears of corn (not raw, but a much better choice amongst the buffet of chicken, burgers, mac and cheese and cookies), a salad made out of the topping for the burgers and some raw veggies I brought from home.
Now, I am enjoying a banana, mango and peach green smoothie before heading off to work. Happy Friday! Enjoy your weekend :-)
which green in the smoothie ?
That's totally sweet. He's really dear! I remember losing my teeth and feeling so very proud. :) lol
Aurelien, lately I've been using a mix of greens in my smoothies, but today I kept it simple with just spinach.
Thanks, Charissa. He is a dear. I remember being proud of losing my first tooth, too. If there were blogs back then, I probably would've had my mom write about it :-)
Awww! Kids grow up so dang fast! He is a cutie.
He's such a cutie. Congrats on losing the tooth. Hope the tooth fairy is generous!
Pixy Lisa
Dean was looking over my shoulder when I read this one. He asked if that was that same little kid posing for the invisible camera? Wow has he grown, huh? His expression looks so mature (with the cap).
Thanks Rosie and Lisa. He had actually already been visited by the tooth fairy before I posted this. We have the play-by-play photos of that, too.
There's one of the pillow, another lifting up the pillow to reveal his loot and a final pic with him holding his prize. He wanted me to post those as well, but I thought it was a bit much.
Rawbin, he has really grown since the last time Dean saw him. I had forgotten about the "photo shoot" at the holiday party. Thanks for bringing back that fun memory.
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