Now you can't make these particular cupcakes without mentioning its spongy friend. Although my son has never indulged in this retro lunchbox treat, I have to admit that I've definitely eaten my share (prior to going raw, of course).

I can totally relate, so I just had to pay tribute to one of her veganized treats. Here is a rawified version of her vegan Twinkie.
Now, I have to warn you that this was a last minute decision; I didn't plan it out at all. As a result, these cakes could use a little tweaking to improve their color and texture, although I thought they turned out better than expected.
To make the cake, I used a combination of finely ground almonds, golden flax, coconut flakes, sesame seeds, lucuma, golden raisin paste (same concept as making date paste, but using golden raisins to help replicate the traditional snack cake's golden color), agave, vanilla and sea salt. I adjusted the amounts as I mixed up the batter.
Unfortunately, the skin on the almonds left some darker specks throughout the final product, which could not be removed this far into the process (if I had time, I would've peeled them first; sometimes patience pays off). Next time, I'll substitute ground cashews for the almonds. Duh, I guess I should've consulted my Trawfoil recipe first.
Anyway, please try to overlook this flaw, as you participate in my last practice election before the big day (I already encouraged you to take part in the Veggie Awards and pick your favorite Raw Fu pic). This is your chance to vote in the category of unbaked good. Will it be the Rawtess Cupcake or the Trawkie? You decide who takes the cake :-)