I just love when you can combine two meanings into one. It's like that game show, where the contestants have to link two words through a list of various other linking words. I can't think of what that's called or even the name of the game show, but you know what I mean.
Obviously, I've got another case of pregnancy brain again. I just can't come up with the words sometimes and occasionally find myself saying the craziest combinations. I think Heidi Klum (it's amazing that I was able to remember her name), who is also pregnant at this time, fondly refers to this as "pregnancy brain freeze."
But back to the point of this post. I just lost my train of thought after typing the title (see, I linked "strawberry fields" with "fields of greens"), which actually describes my purchases from the farmers market tonight.
If you read my blog last summer, you may recall my Friday night trips to the local farmers market. I am happy to report that it is back again for another year, and I've already tasted some of what it has to offer.
Of course, it is still early in the season, so the selection was limited. There were mostly plants. Fresh produce included asparagus (I've eaten more than my share lately), sugar snap peas (I already had some at home), herbs, strawberries and a variety of garden greens.
I just had to have strawberries, being that I've craved them my entire pregnancy. I was allergic to them as a child, but lucky for me, I outgrew it. I just hope Hayden isn't allergic to these sweet gems, which are so much better when they are locally grown.
I also picked out a few bunches of mixed greens. I'm so proud of myself for keeping these in my diet. They are so good for you and mighty tasty, too.
Don't forget to be on the lookout for local produce in your area. It is definitely worth it :-)