Why "Pulp Fiction Cupcake Sea Creatures?"
Well, although made from almond pulp, they probably won't be very tasty (unless they were sweetened up a bit like our usual raw cupcake friends). After making a fresh batch of almond milk, we decided to play with the pulp, rather than save it for "unbaking" our more edible treats. Thus, I'll just refer to these as "fictional cupcakes."
So, today we brought the beach inside, swapping out sand for almond pulp. Fresh from the nut milk bag, this pulp was the perfect consistency for molding and shaping with our cupcake-inspired sand toys.
And, there you have it. Hayden made an almond pulp "sand" starfish. She looks so proud (I'm proud of her, too).
Don't forget to stop for a fresh unsweetened almond milk break. Mmmm ... that's good stuff :-)
In case you didn't get it the first time, Hayden also shows you how to mold a turtle out of almond pulp.
So you can really experience the fun we had today, check out our almond pulp "sand" video below, along with Jacob's "mysterious" Angry Birds game (my "young man of mystery" stepped out from behind the camera, but not out of the shadows, to show you what he likes to do around the house). Enjoy!