After my last post ended on the topic of greens, I happened upon Pretty Smart Raw Food Idea's update on the leafy green pasteurization rumors. Believe it or not, the rumors were in fact just rumors, a "false alarm."
Thank goodness. I was beginning to think there would be nothing left for a raw foodie to eat. And, what's a girl to do without her raw greens?
This girl definitely needs her green smoothies to start off her day, and so does Kathy, who's a Raw Girl, Too, trying to get her kids into the act in her latest post.
Greens are a great source of protein, as Courtney Pool of Radical Radiance (she is a glowing inspiration) blogs about in this post, her 52nd day of her documented juice feast. She says, "the main sources of protein on the Juice Feast are your leafy green juices, green superfood powders, algaes and your bee pollen. If you're juicing your two pounds of leafy greens per day, having a few tablespoons of green superfood powder (Vitamineral Green, Nature's First Food, Pure Synergy), algae (spirulina, chlorella, E3 Live) and eating about a tablespoon of bee pollen per day, you're going to get all the protein you need."
I personally put greens and other superfoods in the most unusual places. Now, before you get the wrong idea, I meant to say that I add them to smoothies, puddings, frozen desserts, and about any concoction I can blend them into without altering its flavor.

The cartoon pic was inspired by the show, "Heroes," which wrapped up its season last week. Oh, I'm so going to miss it tonight.
While I am at it with the photo effects, my son wanted me to post this photo of the first time he completed a song on Guitar Hero. This was taken last week; he has improved since then. I guess we'll have to get him some real guitar lessons.
Jacob, you're my hero!

That ice cream looks incredible! Both versions! I want to lick my computer screen!
Thanks. I hope you didn't end up licking the screen. It probably wouldn't have tasted very good.
You shouldn't have any trouble whipping some up where you're at (on banana island, right?); the base is made from bananas, although the mint is strong enough to hide their flavor.
mint chocolate chip is my FAVORITE!
Shannonmarie, glad to be part of the "green movement"! Thanks for mentioning me on your blog. Your son is a real cutie! I enjoy visiting your blog for the recipes! You are very creative that way, keep up the good work, you inspire us all!
Alissa, glad to see you back. I've been worried about you. Hope everything went okay.
I rank mint chocolate chip pretty high on my list, too.
Kathy, thanks for stopping by. You have beautiful children. Keep filling them with that green goodness.
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