I am busy in production mode of what I'll be featuring at my family Christmas gathering today. Unfortunately, I do not have time to do a full scripted post, so here are the promotional pics of my work in progress. Stay tuned for the premiere of my traditional holiday feast in the raw.

Deviled "Eggs"

Swedish Neatballs

Mom's Rawcaroni and "Cheese"

Broccoli Salad

Corn Pudding
thank you so much for your amazing comments. . .i adore your posts as well- the swedish neatballs look heavenly and i'm inspired by your gingerbread house. . i've been thinking of doing a "cathedral" with taper candles on each corner or a rustic looking teepee (more fitting for my surroundings and quite unique, plus easy!)
I'll attempt it on Christmas Eve i think. . . and hopefully i'll have photos soon. . . x your fingers for me!
happy winter solstice!
My fingers are crossed for you. I can't wait to see it.
Happy winter solstice!
I know this is quite past when you wrote this post,but I have been going through your blog from the beginning.Just came across how you used the Raw Deviled Eggless mixture in MUSHROOM CAPS!I just have to say a big THANK YOU!I found the recipe for the eggless mixture previously on Raw Goddess Heathy's blog.But I just love that you showed to use it in mushroom caps as a veggie alternative to egg whites!I'm making these tomorrow!And I am also going to try your "Swedish Neatballs" asap!
I have been looking for a great recipe for meatless balls,for my eldest daughter especially,who has been asking for me to make a raw version of the meatballs she used to like before we started on our raw life.(I'm trying my best to keep our family away from meat).So thankful I came across your recipes!I don't think I'm going to get to sleep tonight,because I want to see all of your earlier recipes!Thank you again for sharing!
You're welcome. Readers like you are one of the reasons I keep posting on this blog. Enjoy the recipes, but try to get some sleep, too. With a baby in the house these days, I really appreciate each and every minute of sleep I get.
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