It won't be long and I'll be able to hold my sweet bundle of joy in my arms. In the meantime, it seems as though I have a million things left to do to get ready. But, thanks to some loving friends and family, I've had some help.

As you can see in these pics, she is going to look very artistic, like a little work of art.
Jacob is especially proud of his creations, like the very colorful "Baby" onesie and the one with the giraffe on the front (he had purchased her a stuffed giraffe a couple months ago on his school field trip to the Smithsonian). He just had to share them with all of you.

He inspired me to paint a vine-like pattern across the back of the onesie I was working on, as well. Hoping that she'll take after me, I decided to write "Natural Born Veggie Connoisseur" across the front.
I feel like I've already given her a good start. We'll just have to wait and see if she still craves her veggies once she's out.