Well, maybe not all of you. Did you notice the date on yesterday's post? That's right; it was April Fool's Day.
I didn't actually eat that cooked muffin, but I did enjoy some blueberry ones I "baked" in my dehydrator this weekend. Just check out the one in the above pic. If you want to see more, or perhaps would like to make some yourself, Dhru should be posting the recipe sometime soon (later today or tomorrow) on We Like It Raw.
Okay, so I didn't opt for the traditional muffin (my mother-in-law had the same idea and made some for my boys; she's so sweet), but I do have a confession to make: I did have some steamed veggies this weekend (something I do once in a blue moon). Thanks for all of your kind words. It's nice to know you all care :-)
Those look so good! Cannot wait for the recipe. BTW: that was a great prank. u totally fooled me. but then again, I probably wasn't fully conscious do to the bread I've been eating!
You're so Rawtten! You had me worried. I mean, if you went back to cooked foods, who would be my mentor?
I'm looking forward to those blueberry muffins! Can't wait for the recipe... just checked... still not there... Maybe you'll have leftovers on Friday.... I could stop by and bring you lunch (I've got some good ideas) and you'd bring me dessert??
11:30 AM, right?
you are too cute. . . those muffins look incredible . . . i mean i never ever would guess they weren't the homemade kind with crumble topping that my mum used to make with blueberries we had picked that morning!
cannot wait for the recipe. . .
x Jenny
Daaaaang! Those look good!
wow!!! impressed as always!
Fantabulous! Recipe por favor! :D
hahaha GOOD ONE!!!!!! wow those blueberry muffins above are RAW? wow.... they look amazing!!
oh and having steamed veggies is hardly a confession!!! I have steamed veggies a lot and still consider myself a raw foodist. Some veggies just do not digest well with my stomach when raw... like brocolli! and they are better steamed.
Those look amazing! Can't wait for the recipe.
Your funny!!!
Hi Gorgeous!!! How are you doing? I've missed your blog the past few days and have been spending time catching up :)
Big Hugs to You!!!
OMG! Can I please come live with you and have you "cook" for me all the time :)
Gina, don't beat yourself up over the bread. You'll get back on track.
Sorry, Rawbin. I ate all the muffins, but I was surprised at Dr. Silpa's reaction to them; she thought I went back to baking again.
Jenny, somehow I knew you liked your blueberry muffins with a crumble topping, too.
Rediscover raw food, Linda, yardsnacker and Amy, thanks for the compliments. Hopefully, the recipe will be up on WLIR soon.
Hey Faith. I agree with you on the steam veggies. They are something I add to my diet off and on (although it has been a few months since I last had them). They do help my digestion.
By the way, I like your new shirt. Sorry I missed you at the N.Y. event.
Michelle, my hubby says I'm "funny," too ... then he pauses ... and follows it up with "funny looking." We have the same sense of humor. I've said it to him many times, too :-)
Kristen, I've missed you. Hugs back to you, too.
Rebekah, I get asked that all the time. Unfortunately, I don't think I have room for everyone in my house :-)
Thanks for the shout out on WLIR!!! I haven't tried to make raw muffins yet so I'm so excited to play with your recipe!!! I will be testing it this weekend - can't wait!!! They look beautiful!
No problem, Rawleen. Hope the muffins turn out well.
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