For those who know me well, it is no surprise that I like to take my old clothes and accessories, and make them new again. I sometimes rescue items from the back of my closet (the ones that otherwise would never again see the light of day), perform some creative modifications and turn them into fun, fashionable pieces.
Although my mom taught me to knit, I also like to make scarves out of fabric, like today's project, a two-tone, cotton infinity scarf (a scarf that connects at the ends to create a loop; you may have seen it referred to as a circle or loop scarf). Here's how I made this one out of two old cotton shirts.
Matthew has a tendency to purchase me more than one of the same item in different colors, therefore, I lucked out to have two old shirts of the exact same size. This is important, as you want shirts to match up when you sew them together. It's also nice if they're in colors that compliment each other.
The first thing you'll need to do is decide how wide you would like to make your scarf, tacking on an extra inch or so for seam allowance (you'll be sewing the two sides, which will result in a smaller finished product). I decided to go with 8 inches total.
Cut along the marked line on each shirt to remove the bottom band of fabric (don't worry; you can do it. You're bringing new life to these shirts). If you measured correctly and consistently, both bands of fabric should be the same size.
Using a running stitch (the most basic of all sewing stitches; if you've ever sewn anything, even a pillow, you know what this is), to connect the two fabric bands together all the way around the bottom loop (sew slightly above the original bottom shirt seam, which will work as a guide).
Your completed scarf should look something like this. Here, I'm wearing it just draped around my neck, as is.
You can also twist it to give it more interest. I think it resembles a chunky fall/winter necklace this way.
My favorite way to wear it is to loop it around my neck in as shown (drape it around your neck, twist it into a figure 8, and put the bottom of the "8" over your head/around your neck). It keeps my neck nice and warm, and is cute, too.
Let me know, if you make one, or have any other DIY fashion ideas. Have a good weekend :-)