Hi everyone. Sorry about the not-so photogenic and even less professional video demo of today's yummy raw vegan cupcake. That's just what happens when you try to do something spontaneously within the chaos of the holiday season. The countdown to Christmas is on, and I'm lacking in opportunities to get this post done.

After my buddy Bitt requested to see some more raw cupcakes in the comment section of our OpenSky contest plea (until she posted that, I thought I had started to bore all of you with them), I began to crave one myself. Then, I missed National Cupcake Day (I think I saw someone tweeting about it), but was honored to see my e-book listed as a recommendation on Lori and Michelle's Pure2Raw site.

I remember Lori and Michelle making Candy Cane Macaroons on their site quite some time ago, using chopped goji berries for the red specks in the minty cookies. Since I was thinking about making a holiday version of my Rawified Pillsbury Halloween Cupcake (I recently saw the box cake mix in the store), I just knew goji berries and mint would work perfectly. Thanks girls.
You can see Hayden and I quickly demonstrate how to make this cupcake (the very same one in the photos), before heading out the door to a family Christmas celebration a.k.a. "Hootenanny." My mom's side of the family thought it would be fun to have everyone play an instrument and sing Christmas songs together this year. It really was a "hoot." Ha ha :-)
Here are some photos from the event:
Anyway, back to the video. Hayden and I made our best attempts to film it ourselves while Matthew and Jacob were still getting ready. You can hear Jacob run down the stairs and distract Hayden from behind the camera. All that movement kept shifting the camera, too (it's like a ghost kept moving it), and made me loose my train of thought. Thank goodness I can still post the recipe here for you.
Raw Vegan Holiday "Sprinklemint" Cupcake
*Makes one cupcake for those times you just want what everyone else is having. Feel free to make a larger batch if needed.
- 1/4 cup cashews
- 1/4 cup coconut flakes
- dash of sea salt
- 1 Tbsp. date paste
- touch of vanilla
- 1/2 Tbsp. chopped fresh mint
- 1/2 Tbsp. chopped goji berries
- White Chocolate Mint Green Frosting (see below)
- more coconut flakes, fresh mint leaves and chopped goji berries for decorating
Next, add the date paste and a touch of vanilla. Whisk/mix to combine. The batter should be moist, but not so damp that it requires "baking" in a dehydrator (although you could if you desire). Form it into a cupcake shape.
Frost the top of the cupcake with White Chocolate Mint Green Frosting (see recipe below), and decorate it with a sprinkling of coconut, fresh mint leaves and chopped goji berries. As always, enjoy!
White Chocolate
Mint Green Frosting
- 1/2 cup cashews, soaked overnight
- 1/8 cup gently melted cocoa butter
- 1/8 cup fresh mint leaves
- 1/8-1/4 cup coconut milk or nutmilk (use a little at a time to reach the desired texture)
- 1/2 Tbsp. agave nectar
- 1/4 tsp. spirulina
- dash of sea salt
*This frosting also tastes great atop a chocolate mint cupcake, like this one. Yum!
And, as promised, here's a look back at the raw cupcakes of Christmas past :-)