"Day is done; gone the sun ..." and Hayden and I are worn out from our raw version of "Cupcake Wars" in our own kitchen (don't worry; we didn't videotape the entire "unbaking" process).
Just for fun, Hayden and I made raw versions of the already vegan and victorious cupcakes from Sticky Fingers Bakery's most recent and second win on the show. Above is a preview pic of our finished cupcakes, and for those who watch our videos, the clip below gives a brief description of each one. I hope to post the recipes soon (it's going to take a while to type them up, but I plan to have them on the site in a day or two), so stay tuned.
Speaking of staying tuned, the Blythe Raw Live video from my last post is working with sound now. Due to technical difficulties, I just might be the website of the week again this Friday, too. Don't forget to watch :-)