Okay, I'm not really sure, if "superfying" is a word, but Urban Dictionary defines "superfy" as "to make super awesome; to extremely improve the condition of" or "to make something super." My blogging friend Marlie's marvelous cake pops are already super, yet Hayden and I "superfied" them some more with our winnings from her superfood giveaway (and photographed them lined up to look like Hayden's favorite mouse; Minnie, of course ... a girl can wear blue, too).
First of all, the salad booster really does kick your raw basics up a notch. This combination of organic sprouted seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and chia), spirulina, Himalayan crystal salt, chlorella, dulse, kelp, dill weed, spices, lemon peel and cayenne, adds a little something special to your everyday salads, spices up veggie juices and smoothies, and makes raw tomato soup even more comforting and yummy (it probably tastes good on most raw soups, but I've been using it on traditional tomato).
Since the raw walnuts were already sweetened with maple, mesquite and spices, I eliminated the other sweeteners from the original recipe (with the exception of 1/2 tsp. of lucuma powder for good measure). There was also no need for the coconut oil, due to the higher fat content in the walnuts.
Did you follow all of that? If not, here's our superfied version of Marlie's recipe, only in a much smaller amount (we made enough for a trio of cake pops).
Marlie's Marvelous
Luverly Vanilla
Cake Pops "Superfied!"
*The title is a mouthful, but the recipe is the perfect bit-size superfood treat for the new year. No need to worry about overindulging, as this modified recipe makes only a trio of pops, based on Marlie's Luverly Vanilla Cake Pops.
- 1/4 cup Truly Organic Foods Maple Mesquite Candied Walnuts
- 1/8 cup shredded coconut
- 1/8 cup hemp seeds
- 1/2 tsp. lucuma powder
- 1/4 tsp. vanilla
- 1/2 batch of Marlie's Dark Cacao Coating
Divide the dough into three sections, roll them into balls and place them on top of lollipop making sticks. Chill the dough in freezer or fridge for another 20 to 30 minutes. In the meantime, make the dark cacao coating found on Marlie's site (I only made a half batch, which I used to dip the three pops and then make more chocolates with flower-shaped candy molds).
After the cake pops have chilled, dip them in the dark cacao coating, sprinkle the tops with hemp seeds and garnish with another Maple Mesquite Candied Walnut. Allow to set in the fridge until ready to serve. Yum!
Speaking of a little fun, I'm a huge fan of the Lookbook Cookbook site. A request had been sent out via e-mail (and on the site) for photo submissions from its followers (need not be professional), so I snapped a few photos of me with the cake pops. Then, I sent them to Lookbook Cookbook just for kicks (along with some past shots of Hayden already posted on my blog). They're probably getting a good laugh at them about now :-)
In case you missed it:
"Nina's Next Project Accessory with Q&A" (my favorite designer from the show "Project Accessory" answers my questions and fills you in on her latest project. You can help by checking out her Kickstarter, as well as my friend Alissa's official launch)
"You can't "beet" this lip & cheek stain" (Hayden and I make our own natural lip & cheek stain out of fresh beet juice. We plan on doing a followup post this week)
- "Unbaking semi-homemade Bella Bar treats" (transforming the Bella Bars we won via Almost Vegan Chef into something even more special)
- "How to Make Your Own Dry Shampoo" (a simple and natural way to make dry shampoo, posted on Logical Harmony)
- "DIY Deodorant & Crystal Essence" (EcoStiletto posts how to make your own effective, natural deodorant)