This is what we did with some of the extra apples after dipping a few in raw caramel, another kid-friendly treat. For those of you who've never tried it, there's no better time than now to make it.
Raw caramel is such a no-brainer recipe. I usually blend up a batch of date paste and either use it as is (like in my cupcake recipes; it's always easier to get the dates to blend smoothly if I make more than I need) or add some grade B maple syrup and/or agave, nut butter and vanilla for a more authentic caramel flavor.
We had fun putting apples on sticks, dipping them in the raw caramel mixture and then rolling them around in crushed almonds (any nut will do). You can even use raw cacao nibs, small chunks of dried fruit and/or a drizzle of chocolate sauce.

The apples I selected this time were McIntosh. I wish my computer was a Mac, as well, due to the issues we've been having with it lately. From what I understand, Vista hasn't wanted to play nicely with some of our programs and even our Internet.
But don't worry; my hubby will work it out. I just wanted to apologize in advance if you don't hear from me as regularly or I take a little longer to respond. Thanks for understanding.
By the way, these raw caramel apples make great gifts. I think I'll give one to Rawbin today :-)