If you read that line like a sentence, you might first be wondering, who's Sammie? But then, you may have also figured out what's hiding inside this little parchment package.
You know me; I never like to waste anything, and this was no exception. I had already used the raw whipped cream from my frozen hot chocolate and slushy apple cider to decorate cupcakes; however, I still had some leftover. What was I going to do with the rest of it?

So, here it is, two chocolate cookie rectangles (I'll show you what that dough is from soon) filled with the last of my yellow-tinted icing/topping (but any color would do) to make a snack-size n'ice scream sammie.
N'ice cream is my term for raw nondairy ice cream, and I added the "s" for "scream," just to keep in the Halloween spirit. Besides, "we all scream for ice cream."
But, who's Sammie? Duh, it's another term for sandwich, not the name of the cute scarecrow in this pic. Now, he doesn't seem all that scary to me, but he probably does to my sammie. He's had his eyes on it throughout the whole photo shoot.
Hey Mr. Scarecrow, I'm not afraid of you. I hope you're planning on sharing :-)