Yes, you read that right; my first meal today was a green smoothie, and although I'm still pregnant, it really hit the spot. Yum!
In the first month or so of my pregnancy, I drank them every morning, as usual, wondering why they didn't taste good anymore. Could I have had my fill of blended green fuel?
Well, after an extended break from my standard breakfast, I am happy to report that I've fallen back in love with this a.m. treat. I'm going to really need these in the hot summer mornings to come.

I have to admit that it was only an old pic from my former files (today's pic is also a file photo, but I figured once you've seen one green smoothie, you've seen them all. It also reminded me of the cartoons Jacob and I watch on Saturday mornings) and that I did not consume one with my donuts yesterday. I considered it a subtle hint that I should try one again today. Thanks Stephanie :-)