I had no plans of posting today, until I was halfway finished this bright orange concoction (can you see what's left in the bottom of my cup?). Before I polished off the rest, I quickly snapped these pics to share.
Well, I thought you'd be interested in seeing yet another green smoothie in disguise. Seriously, they're greens in there somewhere, hiding amongst this bittersweet combination of ingredients (did you know that bittersweet also means "a dark to deep reddish orange?"). Any guesses as to what's in it?
After filling my blender container with about two thirds to three quarters full of mostly romaine and some mixed greens, I topped it off with a few tablespoons of goji berries (I soaked them for a bit first), an orange (peeled and seeded, of course), mango chunks, ginger, cinnamon and a hefty tablespoon of the coconut cream concentrate I mentioned in this much greener post. The results were very delicious (it's all gone now) and nutritious (far from an original description; I just love how it rhymes). Yum!
Hope you have a lovely day. I know my blogging friend Michal of Lil Earth Muffin is (hey Michal, the purse in the backdrop of these pics is the one I commented back about. It reminded me to mention the award); after receiving the One Lovely Blogger Award herself (you deserve it lovely lady), she passed it on to me, as well as to six other "deserving bloggers" (thank you!).

Now, I guess I need to come up with seven things to share, as I have many times before (hope you don't mind that I decided not to come up with a specific list of deserving bloggers; you all are deserving in my mind). I feel like my life is an open book. What don't you know? Anyway, here's a few things:
- My favorite films are independent flicks. I really got into them while working in a video store in my younger days. I could totally relate to the movie, "Clerks."
- Also, in my youth, I would paint my nails with crazy designs; no color was off limits. Hard Candy "Sky" (a baby blue shade the founder of the company mixed herself to match the color of her Charles David sandals) nail polish was a favorite, especially after seeing Alicia Silverstone (congrats on the birth of her new baby, appropriately named "Bear Blu") show off her "Sky" painted nails on David Letterman.
- This is a continuation of No. 2. I no longer paint my nails with tiny pictures and such, opting for a more classic French manicure or simple pale/nude formaldehyde-free shade, if I even paint them at all (I'm sure Alicia is taking the same natural approach now, too).
- My once lovely locks were thick and long, until I decided to perm and color them. Starting as early as middle school, I would experiment with every shade I could get my hands on. I had blond hair, brown hair, black hair (with a streak of my own blond hair shining through when I missed a spot; I had to part it to the other side, so I wouldn't look like a skunk. Ha ha), red hair and even pink. When my 8-year-old son was born (I was blond then), I let my hair grow out to the natural color you see here on my blog.
- I am short-legged, meaning that my legs are a tad short for my torso. Although I'm a half inch taller than my mom, an inch taller than my middle sister and an inch and a half taller than my youngest sister, I have the shortest legs out of the four of us. No one seemed to notice until I pointed it out, but due to the fact I was self conscious about it, I always wore heels. Then, I broke my foot and had to wear flats. To my surprise, ballet flats are now my favorite footwear, despite my short legs.
- I have very strange taste buds. I love combining odd foods. I actually would eat pickles and ice cream many years before becoming pregnant with my kids (I had a system where I'd top off my pickle chips with a tiny scoop of vanilla as I was ready to eat it). And, when I was pregnant with my daughter, I considered making a raw version of the bizarre treat.
- Although I've mentioned this before on my site, the color of today's smoothie made me think of it again. When I was a baby, my skin turned orange due to all the carrots, sweet potatoes and squash I'd eat. Apparently, I couldn't get enough of it. I must have known it was good for me :-)