Now that it's summer, I thought it would be nice to check in every once in a while to share what we've been doing. It's crazy hot around here lately (I'm amazed that my internet is working, because it tends to go out when it is extremely hot; it's 100 degrees today), so we were all extra grateful that my friend Becky found this fun idea on Pinterest (I'd link to it if I knew where exactly she found the idea) and brought it to us to play.
I've mentioned Becky various times on my blog, as you may recall some of our play dates now that she has a young child around Hayden's age. Another childhood friend, Stacy, recently moved in a couple houses down from her, making it easier for her to come hang out, as well.

Instead, we met up at my parents' house, since I was dropping Jacob off there anyway (and it was closer to where my friends live). We played outside with this homemade iceberg, and then went out to lunch nearby.
The kids had a blast chipping away at the blue ice to release the small toys inside. They first tackled it as a group, but then took turns with the mallet. Jacob even showed Hayden how to use it correctly.
Then, Colin helped Leo have his own turn. Look at those boys go. They are really up for the challenge.
To our surprise, the iceberg wasn't melting as fast as we thought it would in that heat. The kids let us adults take a turn, but just long enough to pose for a pic.
In the end, Jacob and Colin finished the job, while Hayden and Leo detoured off to the playhouse. I think they were really trying to escape the camera, though.
Anyway, I just wanted to share our day with you. What's everyone else up to this summer? Got any other creative ways to stay cool while having fun in the sun?