I can tell my due date is quickly approaching, as my nesting instinct has been in high gear. Last week, I found myself running around the house trying to get things ready before my little bundle of joy arrives.
In fact, by the end of the week, we thought she might make an early appearance. But, since we were hoping she'd wait a little while longer (as if we have a say in when she comes out), I spent the weekend on our couch.
During my leisure, I discovered that Hayden Panettiere's birthday is this Friday, August 21. How cool would that be if my Hayden was born on the same day?
I also caught the Barefoot Contessa's recipe for Plum Crunch, which I opted to rawify for a snack. I just chopped up a ripe plum, mixed it with some pie spices and agave, and topped it all off with a crumble of almonds, walnuts, oats, prune pieces, agave and spices. Yummy for my tummy.
Eating this cleaner version is probably a good idea, as the big day draws near. I not only need to clean my house, but my body as well. I think I'm just about ready to finally meet my baby girl.