I often give up on the sleeping thing early, rarely staying in bed as long as I've planned. I end up heading downstairs to the couch, remote in hand, searching for something else to occupy my thoughts.
The other day, I caught an episode of Everyday Food with breakfast as the topic. Most of the recipes weren't something I'd eat for the first meal of my day, but I was interested in a particular smoothie combination.
Served alongside the featured Ginger Carrot Bread was a Mango-Carrot Smoothie. I can't believe I've never thought about making one myself.
The smoothie consisted of mango, carrot juice, yogurt (substitute raw nut- or coconut-based yogurt, coconut milk or banana to keep it raw; I highly recommend coconut milk), lime juice, honey (use agave to make it vegan) and ice. It was so easy that I had to whip one up today and share it with you. It was worth waking up for :-)