Now, I understand that I'm supposed to nap when she naps, but I've never been good about dozing off when the sun is still up. This probably explains why I'm such an early riser. It also doesn't help that I'm tempted to just watch her snooze; she's so darn cute. It just makes for a good photo op.
Today, would've been her official due date (although I always suspected I was a week further along), as well as the start of the East Coast Raw Spirit Festival. This is the first one on my coast, and therefore, was going to be my first chance to attend one.
I remember Rawbin excitedly handing me a business card, telling me to keep those dates open on my schedule. I had no intentions of missing it this time.
Even Jeff from NaturalZing was expecting me to be there, as we started planning the idea of selling raw cupcakes at the event. I couldn't wait.

Obviously, Hayden is a bit too new to be toting along with me to the event, and since she's a breastfed baby, I can't exactly leave her at home yet. But, I won't hold it against her. There is always next year, and she means more to me than attending the festival.
So, instead, we'll just have our raw food at home, which isn't out of the ordinary for us. I just have to keep it simple at the moment until I get into a better routine.
For instance, I decided to make a Pink Lady for me and my little lady (I can't believe how much pink is in this house at the moment). It is my home version of the Java Green concoction (the raw version is actually called the Strawbana, but I prefer the nonraw version's Pink Lady name) I've been missing lately. Hopefully, I'll get back there again soon.

We also got a little messy today with an easy nobake cookie dough in a bowl (you may recall this past recipe). Just like when I was a kid (except when I was younger, we used the stove top method to meld the ingredients), we indulged in a gooey bowl of goodness, made from almond butter, cocoa powder, agave, vanilla, sea salt, oats and a little bit of water to get the consistency just right. Yum! I am no longer complaining.