And it was me. I'd never let Goldilocks get away with sampling this yummy breakfast. Just like Baby Bear's bowl, she'd deem it just right, proceeding to eat the whole thing.

Even easier was making this simple morning meal. Although I've definitely made my share of chia puddings, I was inspired this time by Sarma's most recent One Lucky Duck e-mail, where she hyped up the importance of breakfast.
The breakfast link led to a chia pudding recipe, she fondly referred to as a porridge for breakfast purposes. This was something I've made many times when I've had fresh nut milk on hand.
Since there was no nut milk to be found, I opted instead to use banana milk. I've been making it for years, but oddly enough, Sarma had blogged about it, too, not that long ago. Now she just needed to add it to her chia pudding.
So, I replaced the nut milk for banana milk, and topped the whole thing off with sliced bananas, walnuts, a sprinkling of pie spice and a drizzle of agave. It really transformed this basic pudding into a comforting a.m. porridge that worked well into mommy and baby's feeding routine.