Still reminiscing about Vegan Mofo in cupcake (or in this case, "cake"/cookie) form, I made a mini tribute to my friend Averie's blog (she got me to participate in Mofo in the first place).

Anyway, I opted to present this Vegan Mofo memory in an upside down version in honor of Averie's daughter, Skylar. As a little girl, I loved the doll cakes my mom made for me, so I formed the cookie dough around a mini Barbie and decorated it similar to how those cookie places in the mall frost their giant cookie "cakes." She has a top made out of chocolate sauce and a raw whipped icing ruffle around the bottom of the dress.
Thanks girls (Averie and Skylar) for the memories :-)
By the way, speaking of memories, this reminded me of another raw cupcake I already made with raw cookie dough. This is the one from last November. Talk about deja vu; it was the same date, too.

On another note, I might have a chance to get my hands on another Magic Bullet blender, or perhaps this opportunity could go to you. Chocolate-Covered Katie is having a kitchen gadget giveaway. Check it out :-)