... me the opportunity to post another flashback. After two years of blogging, I'm so grateful that you, my loyal readers, keep coming back.

When I started this blog, I presented a traditional approach to making a festive raw plate, as seen at the top of this post. I made mock mashed potatoes with gravy, stuffing, marinated veggies and cranberry sauce. I also had this yummy apple crisp for dessert.

Dinner will be at Matthew's grandmother's house again, where his uncle is always nice enough to bake me a sweet potato (yes, I typed "bake;" that's where I'm willing to fall off the raw wagon for a bit) and put some of the green beans to the side before cooking them. I also may be able to find some cranberries. Yum!
To freshen up the spread, I might bring a fall salad like these I posted last year (one is Rachael Ray's Autumn Double-Apple Salad and the other is inspired by Panera's Orchard Harvest Salad), or this one suggested by Rawkin Mom.
No matter what I decide to do, I know I'll enjoy spending time with my family members. I am so grateful to have them :-)