You see, since the economy is the way it is (I'm also on unpaid maternity leave at the moment), my side of the family decided to put a limit on the amount we spend on each other, while also encouraging handmade gifts. I admit that I did purchase most of the presents for the boys, but I put my creative thinking cap on for the girls.
I took these pics of their gifts quite some time ago, waiting until the last minute to share them with you. The recipients actually read my blog, so I needed to keep these a secret.
Now, my mom and sisters do know they'll be receiving jewelry, as I did receive some requests. What they don't know is how I incorporated some old pieces to create an entirely new look.

My youngest sister is usually on trend, so I put together a layered look in black and white for when she goes out at night. One strand is actually an old belly chain, a fad that is probably before her time (she's 10 years younger than me).
The other sister will be receiving my favorite necklace and earring set of the bunch, in colors that make me think of her. On the end of the longer strand is a chain that once hung from a choker, yet another fad we fell victim to. In fact, I think this particular choker once belonged to her.
I hope they like their recycled Christmas presents. I feel like I brought new life to some of these forgotten items.
I'm also dusting off some old items around the house to regift in our annual family present swap. Our extended group has gotten so large that you can't possibly get something for everyone, nor be sure who will be able to make it to the event.

To play this game, everyone draws a number, and based on that number, takes his or her turn selecting a gift from the pile, unwrapping it and deciding whether to keep it or exchange it for something already unwrapped. It can get a little crazy when everyone is after the same gift.
This year, instead of fighting over the popular gift, I think most of us will be trying to get rid of the least wanted offering (I have an old VCR I'd like to dispose of, but it does come complete with a collection of video tapes, including one of the original Star Wars VHS tapes; hey, it might be worth something). Wish me luck.
Merry Christmas!