Okay; maybe this drummer boy is not so little anymore. In fact, he just turned 7 years old today.

He has since moved on to dance, probably due to the fact that his aunt is a dancer. He and his cousin actually took lessons this summer, not long after shooting this YouTube video at Matthew's parent's house (he was self-taught at the time; ha ha).
It has been a busy weekend, as both his cousins spent the night on Friday. Then, they all attended swimming lessons the next morning.
Today will be even more hectic, starting with a birthday celebration/annual gingerbread house building get-together at my mom's house, followed by another party with Matthew's side of the family.

I did have time to run some popsicles up to Jacob's school for his big day (usually it is cake or cupcakes, but he wanted to be different this year; a little cold, but different), and at home, I put together this pineapple pop to look like Spongebob in his honor.
It was quite simple, especially after making this chocolate orange. I just used more chocolate to glue the banana, apple and blueberry pieces onto a fresh pineapple slab, and a little bit more to finish off the details. The whole thing was served on a stick. So cute, don't you think?
My son's kind of cute, too, if you ask me (he's the one popping his head in through the background). Happy birthday Jacob!