I still had some more raw cookie dough from these candy cane and stained glass cookies, so I mixed in the standard chocolate chunks (you can use pieces of raw chocolate, cacao nibs, chocolate chips, or freeze little dollops of the leftover cocoa mixed with agave used to frost the candy canes). Then, I made it a bit more festive with the addition of chopped dried cherries.
The jazzed up dough was them formed into the basic chocolate chip cookie shape and "baked" in my dehydrator to help them hold their shape.
They might not scream Christmas when you look at them, but they sure do taste good :-)
saturday, december 19, 2009, continued ...
Speckles of another kind

You see, we are in the middle of "a historic blizzard for our area," according to the local weather forecast (where's Rudolph when you need him?). As of 7 a.m., this is what the view was through my back window, and that is just the start of it.
The chief meteorologist called in from his home to say he already had 10 inches, and the prediction is for an accumulation total of 16-24 inches (16 inches is the record snowfall for the entire month of December in our viewing area).
The snow is pretty, and although Jacob is excited to play in it, the wind is what has me worried. Conditions like this knock out our cable (we get our Internet via the cable company), and even worse, our power. I hope I can keep little lady and the boy warm.
Keep your fingers crossed that it will result in a fun snow day. Maybe Hayden will have the chance to test out her new snow suit (just for a couple outside photos, of course. She is still a little young to stay out for much longer).
Stay warm :-)