A jar full of memories
The other day I mentioned having the opportunity to visit with my grandmother, something I enjoy very much. I have such fond memories of all the times we've spent together and look forward to so many more.
One Christmas I made her a present. Okay, so maybe I've done this quite a few times, including jewelry (like the necklaces I remade for my mom and sisters this year), a bag with photos of Jacob on the front, the very first scarf I ever knitted, etc. But this particular handmade gift stands out in my mind the most (hers, too).
I made her a jar full of memories. I decorated a candy jar and fill it with memories handwritten on small sheets of paper. Each memory was then rolled up, wrapped in a piece of lace and tied shut on either end with tiny ribbons. I also included instructions, advising her to open one each day for the next month, although she was tempted to go through them all at once.
I probably would've wanted to do the same thing. It's nice to reminisce, especially about the good stuff, like what's in today's jar. It's inspired by a recipe I once found on the GLiving site, while I was an active member on their message board. This also is where I first came in contact with Kristen of Kristen's Raw and Blaqberry of Hi-Rawkus (ever heard of them? Sure you have).
The original recipe (although reposted again back in August) was one I made frequently a few years back. It's GreenChef Jana's Organic Red Mango Mousse and Berry Parfait. As usual, I didn't follow all of the directions, but the results were similar. Mine included all the same flavors with the addition of some raw macadamia nuts (I also used a handful of shredded coconut in place of the coconut butter). Just look how beautiful the colors are in my jar (I also adore how this thinly sliced strawberry looks like a heart on my spoon).
GLiving is also the site where I first discovered Juli Novotny of Kookie Karma. She is actually the one who got me into making yummy raw treats. I should be posting a Q&A with her soon, probably next week, so stay tuned :-)