That last post took a lot out of me, so today, I decided to take it easy with a cup of Joe. Just kidding; I gave that up years ago. But, although it is not technically a part of the raw lifestyle, I have known some raw foodies (but definitely not all) to relax with a cup of tea or Teeccino, the coffee alternative.
According to the Teeccino website, "Teeccino Caffeine-free Herbal Coffee is a delicious blend of herbs, grains, fruits and nuts that are roasted and ground to brew and taste just like coffee.
"Coffee lovers are attracted to Teeccino’s full-bodied, dark roasted flavor and its nutritious health benefits. Teeccino allows coffee drinkers to keep their cherished coffee ritual with all the enjoyment and satisfaction of a freshly brewed cup!"

In contrast to having something to warm my insides, for some reason, I still can't get off this ice cream kick. And, Tanja from Freshtopia just stopped by to comment and fuel the fire.
I had mentioned her in my Nov. 27 post about eco-fashion, which was inspired by one of her recent blogs. She, so sweetly, thanked me for the compliment, and then, she added how she might get out her ice cream maker, after seeing my Cherry "Raw"cia, pictured in the post.
Oh, I hope she does and then vlogs about it. If you haven't seen her famous (at least in the raw food community) vegan ice cream vlog, take a moment to view it at this link. The base recipe is also listed on the blog, as well as some very creative flavor ideas like Saffron Rose.
Another good source for ice cream novices is Raw Food Right Now's ice cream course. Heidi and Justin are releasing an ice cream e-book before the end of the year, so sign up while you still can.
But back to why I mentioned the ice cream in the first place. Yesterday, I received a Martha Stewart's Everyday Food newsletter that actually caught my attention right away (lately, I have been turned off by all the meat and poultry). The highlighted recipe was for Hot-Coffee Ice Cream, so I thought, "hey, I could make that."

First, I made some raw carob "n'ice cream" (pictured at right) and allowed it to set in the freezer (I didn't want it to totally melt as soon as I added the warm liquid), while I brewed some Hazelnut Teeccino. Then, I poured the fresh brew over the chilled dessert, grabbed a spoon and enjoyed every last bite. What an inventive idea; why hadn't I thought of that?
As Martha Stewart would say, "It's a good thing :-)"
Thanks for a great, informed site. I appreciate your honest and real approach to living foods. I am truly inspired when I hear from normal, down-to-earth people who eat this way!
- Kendall
Thanks for the compliment :-)
I've only recently been introduced to teechino, and have been pretty impressed. Agreed, it's not really like coffee at all, but it's good none the less. Especially for those that need to avoid some of the acid and caffine.
I didn't think I would, but I've really been liking the mocha mint.
All the best,
Director, Freshtopia.net
Ooh, I like the mocha mint, too. I had it at the Green Festival this year. Actually, I think I tried every flavor they had there :-)
One of my partner's questions about people who eat raw food was: "can they drink milk? And coffee? Are they vegan?" I guess from this post that you won't drink milk or coffee. But why? :) I am not sure about it.
Coffee is heated to brew it, but now there are cold brewed coffees that some raw vegans drink. I just happened to have given up coffee years prior to focus on more natural energy, meaning my own energy, rather than from a stimulant. As for the milk, it depends on whether or not you are just raw or raw vegan. Raw vegans do not consume milk, while some other raw foodies consume raw dairy (not pasteurized).
Ok, and what about tea or hot water to be added to soups? Isn't it cooked as well? And what about meat? If you are not raw vegan/vegetarian you can eat some raw meat (in Italy we eat "carpaccio", which are very thin meat slices "cooked" with lemon juice: delicious!)
Tea is probably a gray area. I guess to consider it raw, it needs to be steeped in warm (not hot) water. The same is true for soup. Don't exceed 115 degrees F. If you are not vegan, carpaccio falls under the raw food umbrella.
I'll tell my partner about this. He was a bit shocked (not negatively, I mean) because he could not even realize how many things he could not eat if he became raw (he would never do that, I'm sure).
That's a natural reaction. I'm still explaining to friends and family sometimes. Being raw sometimes gives you the opportunity to try new things. There are a ton of superfoods, etc. that I hadn't tried before going raw. Now I am mainly raw 'til dinner, although I'm not perfect. I also sometimes go through phases when I'm raw all day. I just make sure to listen to what my body needs at the time.
Yes, I totally agree about listening to one's body, no matter what diet one is following or what food choices one takes. But for examples you never eat an ordinary pizza, I guess. What about your kids? It's a difficult choice to decide whether they should it raw (or vegetarian, or vegan or paleo and so on) or not. Do you cook everything raw for the whole household?
Ha ha. I guess you would say prepare rather than cook when it comes to raw. My hubby never fully ate this way. I guess we tend to be opposites when it comes to food. Therefore, my kids eat a little like both of us, but they always have fresh fruits and veggies at every meal.
Oh yes, of course! This was a slip! :D I'd like to eat more veggies and fruit (actually I eat more fruit than veggies) but it is so difficult for me :/ peeling them and so on. Sometimes I am so lazy. But for example today I lauched with tomatoes (yes, only tomatoes, now I am a bit hungry but when I had lunch I wasn't and I did not want to force myself, I never do). Maybe if I read you recipes, I'll find new ideas! :)
Too funny. I figured that was the case. If you are really interested in trying this. Start with salads and smoothies. They are the easiest. You just toss a bunch of ingredients together that you like.
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