I make it a rule to never let food go to waste in my household. My menu for the week is usually comprised based on what I already have on-hand and the shelf-life of each item; special occasions are no exception.
For instance, the first step in making the stuffing involved making a nutmilk and straining out the pulp for use in the recipe, along with only 1/4 cup of reserved milk to add moisture to the stuffing. What would would I do with all the leftover milk?
Certainly, I wasn't going to just dump it down the drain. So, I used it to experiment with the little booger-like leftovers of my failed marshmallow attempt (no, I didn't throw those out either) in a hot (more like lukewarm) cocoa recipe.
I used the room temperature walnut/pecan nutmilk leftover from the stuffing recipe, combined with cocoa powder, lecithin (as a thickener), cinnamon (enhances the chocolate flavor), vanilla (my mom always put it in her homemade hot cocoa), cayenne pepper (to create a feeling of warmth), sea salt and agave nectar; and blended it with hot (but not too hot) water in a blender until frothy. Then, I added the mock marshmallows, which unfortunately, sank to the bottom of my mug, and topped it off with a sprinkling of cinnamon.

This recipe can also be served chilled or over ice.
Even after making this warm concoction, there was still an ample amount of nutmilk left, so I decided to fulfill my pumpkin craving on Thanksgiving (since I had opted to make an apple-based dessert instead) with Penni's Pumpkin Creme Power Shake. It really does "smell like pumpkin spirit" (I love that title). It was like a chilled liquid pumpkin pie filling. I plan on drinking it again soon. Thanks Penni - love your blog :-)

Speaking of chilled, I finally got around to making some banana-based spiced n'ice cream (that's how I refer to my raw "ice creams") to top my leftover serving of raw apple cobbler. It was really good, but I actually preferred my other leftover use-up idea.
I still had some ice cream scoopfuls of raw whipped cream icing (from my marshmallow experiment and cinnobun topping), which I chilled in the freezer. I topped off my last serving of cobbler with them, and decided to snap this pic right before I finished polishing it off. Now, I really want to whip up another batch soon.

So, what creative ideas have you done with your leftovers?
way to be resourceful! i wish i had some inspiring leftover stories, but we didn't have any leftovers.
I only had leftovers because I am the only one in my family who eats this way. Sometimes I wish they would at least be a little more experimental.
You're very lucky to have someone in your life to share in this lifestyle.
it's a really new development. we'll see how long it lasts...
(* crosses fingers *)
My fingers are crossed for you, too :-)
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