No time to blog today, so I thought I would just give you a sneak preview of my holiday meal today ... and my dessert (Julia Child would've had me clean up the edges of the plate a bit more before snapping that shot, but I was in a hurry).

I'll fill you in on the details later, but I am not sure when. I'll be Black Friday shopping tomorrow with my mom and sister. I must be crazy; we do it every year. Wish me luck getting home in one piece.
Happy Thanksgiving!
WOW!!!!!! That looks awesome!
It tasted awesome, too!
How was your meal? Did you get to eat your raw sweet potato pie?
Oops, I mean sweet potato casserole :-)
We brought my raw sweet potato casserole to the dinner yesterday. I got several complements on it, some people had seconds, and one guest even asked for the recipe.. My husband even liked it. . (I never mentioned to anyone that it was raw)It's leftovers were finished off today.
Ignore "cxpif". It's not secret comment. I (duh) typed the WORD VERIFICATION in the wrong place!
That sounds spectacular. It seems like your Thanksgiving went better than expected.
I bet that dish would've been great at the NaturalZing potluck. I wish they had held it over the weekend instead of on Thanksgiving day.
I hope all went well there. I'd love to go to the next one. I think Jeff mentioned a raw chocolate party for New Years. I am so there :-)
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