Okay; so maybe the real reason I made them this way was to finish off the leftover icing (it's used as both the frosting and the filling in these), but the results were better than expected. Just look at how cute they are.
The best part is what's hidden within these gems, although it is no surprise. I just love biting into one to see (and taste) what's inside.

*Makes one cupcake for those times you just want what everyone else is having. Feel free to make a larger batch if needed.
- 1/4 cup cashews
- 1/4 cup coconut flakes
- zest from half a lemon
- dash of sea salt
- 1 Tbsp. date paste
- touch of vanilla
- raw whipped icing (use this whipped cream recipe)
Next, add the date paste and a touch of vanilla (I love the combination of lemon and vanilla in "unbaked" goods). Whisk or use an electric mixer to combine. The batter should be moist, but not so damp that it requires "baking" in a dehydrator (although you could if you desire).
Form the batter into a cupcake shape, leaving a melon ball size valley in the center and a small amount to the side to top it off. Fill the cupcake with raw whipped icing and top it with the excess dough. Carefully blend in the seams.
Ice the cupcake with a more of the raw whipped icing (I added a little lemon juice to mine for flavor, as well as some turmeric to create the yellow color). Then, pipe a swirl across the top with more of the whipped icing (you can use a squeeze bottle or cut a hole in a Ziploc bag, if you don't own piping bags and tips). Enjoy every last bite :-)
wednesday, october 28, 2009, continued ...
Another hidden gem

Yesterday, I finally got around to visiting most of the other mofo-ers, and look what I found. This little gem on the Intellectual Blackout blog has dark chocolate pb hidden inside. I'm going to have to make some raw ones out of raw cocoa butter, sweetened with agave, and filled with a combination of almond butter, cocoa powder and more agave. Don't forget the naturally colored coconut sprinkles. Yum!