If you know French, you might assume these are potatoes, but au contraire mon frere, they are a word-for-word translation, "apple of the Earth."
The other night, my hubby had a craving for Old Bay (a popular seafood seasoning, that thankfully on its own is vegan; people in my area put it on everything) on his popcorn (I've been known to do the same thing with raw cauliflower "kernels"). Then, thinking about how I used to put vinegar and Old Bay on Boardwalk Fries, I happily did the same with my sweet potato version. Yum!
But these are not potatoes in the photos; they are in fact apples.
What? Now why would I do a thing like that?
Well, I figured if Burger King can market apple fries due to their shape, I can add this zesty taste. I just sliced them to appear like fries, tossed them in a little Old Bay and EVOO, and served them alongside some apple cider vinegar for dipping. It's sounds weird, but you've gotta try it. Bon appetite!
friday, january 8, 2010, continued ...
Apple of my eye

I've been doing my best to teach her new skills. Poor thing has my baby build (my nickname was "Tubs"), so she has yet to roll over, although she loves to stand. She's gotta get a good view of everything, especially in the kitchen.
The girl can't wait to taste some solids, as she drools (literally) whenever she sees us eating something. She definitely has an interest in food.
She also adores music, like the classical kind I've been exposing her to via Baby Einstein (I'm not really a fan of the videos, but we like this toy). The funny part is, she really wants to devour the toy radio, too :-)