And, thanks to my mother-in-law, it is also a cherry vanilla pudding (it even has vanilla bean seeds in it to really make it special). Lucky for me, she picked up some cherries from the grocery store for us the other day. Nothing beats a cherry on top :-)
The cherries weren't my only customization to the recipe. I also tweaked it a bit by swapping out the agave for dates (I'm trying to cut back on my consumption of the sweet nectar) and thickening it up with twice the called for chia (hey, it's good for you; do ya think it will thicken up Hayden's lack of locks?).

Speaking of Heather, that explains the pet part of the today's post title. No, I'm not referring to her as a pet; I'm talking about her kitty cat featured on her Kombucha Chic blog. After seeing his Christmas attire, it reminded me of my mom's cat, who proudly modeled her Santa suit for us (you may recall her Halloween costume, as well). Despite her less than enthusiastic expression in this pic, she really does like her outfit :-)