This may look like one on my creations, but it's even better. You see, my friend Rawbin made it for me.

It's Rawbin's personal spin on the good old "million dollar" brownie recipe I gave her a while back. She molded the brownies individually in some fruit cups, with a surprise cherry filling. Then, she turned them over, popped them out of the molds and served them with a drizzle of icing and a cherry on top. Yum.
I told her I was going to share it with my hubby, since he does like raw brownies. Oh how romantic that would've been. Unfortunately, I only gave him one bite, before I devoured the rest. You're lucky I paused for a picture.
This was the cherry to top off my weekend of raw foods made by someone else. And, who was that someone else? It was none other then Chef Bliss, which I quickly discovered was Jeff (who looks a lot like the main character in this movie, which, by the way, has a great soundtrack) from NaturalZing (I guess your secret identity has been revealed now. Scooby Doo made me do it; my son and I are watching it right now).
At Saturday's lecture, he and his crew served up three types of wraps (Italian, Waldorf salad-style and a nori wrap) with dipping sauces, as well as a spread that included mixed greens grown on site, a cabbage salad, marinated kale, sauerkraut (he makes it using his own kombucha; you've gotta try it) a variety of crackers, olives, cookies, little granola bars similar to Rice Krispie treats (in plain and chocolate) and pie.
As crazy as it sounds, he actually got us all hooked on a very unexpected combination. If you wrap a date around one of these raw unsalted olives, it sort of tastes like very dark chocolate. You have to experience it to believe it.
this looks like sheer melt-in-your-mouth deliciousness. i'm impressed you grabbed a photo. . . as i would've fairly inhaled it!
and i completely hear you about having a raw meal made for you- the first time someone did it for me, i was practically in tears i was so overwhelmed!
and every subsequent time, (especially the nyc raw restaurants) it's been like the meg ryan scene x 10!! people probably start staring. . .
have the loveliest night
xx jenny
Absolutely delish! What is the creamy topping? I snagged your cinnamon roll recipe from Gone Raw this weekend and if it weren't for the fact that I need to make more whipped cream for the topping I think the whole roll would be gone. I have to second Jenny in the Meg Ryan scenes. I am just thankful that we were the only people out on Juliano's patio so I could moan freely. Hehe! Tonight I am heading to Au Lac, because I just can't take another night of food prep. Can't wait to be served some amazing raw food. You are lucky to have such an awesome raw friend!
Shannonmarie, as I look through your blog, trying not to drool upon my shirt gazing with utter reverence at your incredible creativity and culinary skills for raw food that looks better than their cooked counterparts...I am struck as to why you are not on Martha Stewarts show, wowing the audiance with your delictable goodies! Well truth is she probably couldent handle the competition:)But I think it would be Grand if She had you on...it would be very Smart of her to have you on there promoting the Genius of Living Foods...Especially cause you make it look so good:))
After eating the nori wrap on Saturday, I had to order a 50 pack of wraps to make my own. I'm sure I'll be bringing you some more raw tidbits soon.
Could you taste the orange flavor of the icing? I thought it was a strange combination, the chocolate, cherry, orange, but I was aiming for something a bit different... I really want to make that cinnamon roll recipe of yours someday. That's where the idea of orange icing came from. My family likes those pilsbury orange rolls...
I looked up the movie, "Once", to see if it was the one I saw at the video store that's closing up. It was the same movie. Last week it was 25% off. This week, the store was locked. I tapped on the glass and the clerk let me in anyway, but we couldn't find it. I was bummed, because it was now 75% off, but sold out... Ah, well, the library has it for free.
Did Monsiuer Bliss offer any tips for working with the Nori? I can't get it to roll without either cracking (too dry!) or shriveling up (too wet!). I'd love to hear his tips on how to roll them!!!
Jenny, it took a lot of self control to wait long enough to get this photo. That's part of the reason the fork was already in it.
Ha, ha. I love that "When Harry Met Sally" scene. My sister and I were just talking about that movie on Sunday.
Disa, I can't take total credit for the cinnamon rolls. I found that recipe online so long ago, that I have no idea where it came from (otherwise I would have noted it on Gone Raw). I've tweaked it a bit over time, including the topping.
The one in the picture is a variation on Carmella's whipped cream icing. It's on her Sunny Raw Kitchen blog. There should be a link to it on one of my posts about building a gingerbread house (back in December).
Yeah, my friend is pretty rawesome.
1 raw girl, you've so kind. Thanks, but I don't think Martha would want me on her show once she sees how clumsy I am in the kitchen. I may end up with cool results, but I'm not so smooth getting there.
Rawbin, you're wrap looked really good today. Of course I'd love to try one in the future.
Yes, I could taste the orange flavor. Yum :-)
Sorry about the movie. I hope you get to see it soon.
Bethany, you could probably e-mail NaturalZing and ask him. I can tell you that he rolled these in a cone shape secured with a toothpick. The filling wasn't too moist, so the whole thing stayed intact.
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