Vegan Mofo is over for another year, so what can you expect next? Unfortunately for my loyal readers, you will be faced with less reading and visual material, as I'll be cutting back quite a bit.

Little lady is increasingly alert, needing more and more attention everyday. As a result, I have to confess that I only finished the last week of Mofo, because I did it all in advance.
I made it a personal challenge to post daily in the month of October, in addition to being a participant in Vegan Mofo. Not willing to give up so easily, I did whatever I could during Hayden's naps to build up material for the long haul. I then typed all my posts while feeding her (there's not much else I can do at those times), so they would be ready and waiting on the corresponding date.
Of course, it is unrealistic to keep up with that pace. I go back to work in December, and I have a lot of other goals to meet before then.
But, when I have the opportunity, I will keep you updated on what's happening around here. I also hope to rawify some of my mofo memories from other blogs in cupcake form (2 to 3 per week), minus the typed out recipes. I'll just provide a brief overview of what I did, since most of the recipes are already posted.

For instance,
you may remember me pointing out the
"Twist and Shout" pb cup from the Intellectual Blackout blog (it's pictured to the right). I made a quick raw version out of the usual
raw whipped icing (but this time I swapped out the coconut butter for cocoa butter) and a filling of almond butter mixed with cocoa powder and agave. I topped it with some
naturally-tinted coconut flakes and let it set in the freezer.
Since I planned on presenting it in cupcake form, I also filled
a basic raw cupcake with some more chocolate filling (almond butter, cocoa and agave) and frosted it with some more raw whipped icing mixed with a touch more cocoa (I felt like it gave definition between the candy cup and the frosting, although I ended up leaving on the paper for even more color ... by the way, don't eat the paper). It was the perfect seat for this yummy treat :-)

monday, november 2, 2009, continued ...
....................................................................................Halloween memories in photo formAs opposed to cupcakes, I thought I'd share some Halloween memories in the following pics. My sister was nice enough to send them this morning. Thanks Lori :-)

Here's most of the crew. Jacob and his cousin Cameron are both jedi masters, while Cameron's brother Colin scared us all as a zombie. My mom is the witch peeking out from the back.
Even my sister Lori got dressed up as Sookie from
"True Blood" (love her doctored up bottle of the stuff). Hayden is the sleeping flower I'm holding, so I tried to pass myself off as
Anne Geddes, although I didn't really have a costume.

There are those crazy boys again. Are you scared yet?

You should be (sounds like the
"Scare Tactics" episodes we watched that night). Check out our little zombie and his tombstone. He cracks me up.

And, last but not least, here's my mom's cat Tabitha. She just loves her chicken costume. Somebody needs to tell her that :-)