I'm so excited I got a chance to say that, thanks to my little lady, who drew the winner of my raw cupcake e-book giveaway. She must have been taking lessons from Jackson when it comes to name picking. Just watch and you'll see why:
This time, she decided to dump out the contents of the box (I was a little nervous about her using those breakable bowls anymore, as she's getting a bit out-of-control with these things) onto her lap, before selecting a slip. Check out that look of enthusiasm on her face.
She carefully narrows down her selection to just one (although she went back for more after she was done; Hayden, you know you're just supposed to pick one winner).
As usual, she had to taste it first to see if it was good.
I quickly snatched it away, while daddy distracted her.
What does it say? It's Nelly, which explains the title. What are the odds of that? It's funny how these things just fall into place. Congrats girl!
Good thing that I got this pic of the winning slip when I did, since Hayden grabbed it back, shoving it in her mouth (sounds like what Jackson did with the winner of Nelly's second giveaway). She almost succeeded in eating it. I might have to come up with a new way of doing this. Any suggestions? I've tried to talk Jacob into doing it, but he always declines.
At least she looks happy during this photo shoot today. She really seemed to like the cupcake material. What should I do with it? I had originally purchased it (along with some similar prints) to make aprons, but I'm open to other suggestions.
Get your creative thinking caps on, like this artistic blogging friend of mine, Anne of Picture it Raw. You may recall her first sketch for the quest. For my birthday, she offered up one more, complete with two yummy raw cupcakes. Thanks!

And, thanks to everyone who left such lovely comments yesterday. You're all so sweet :-)
Speaking of sweet, I'd still enjoy seeing your raw cupcake creations, even if I am taking a break from the quest (maybe Ellen will be more likely to try one, if I stop force-feeding them to her; it's the same way with my kids). Let me know if you have something to share, and I'll post/link to it. There's always room for more raw cupcakes around here :-)