... some yummy raw vegan cupcakes on my blog. Don't you wish you had one with you right now? They'll have you dancing better than ever (although you already have some rawkin' moves).
Anyway, I realize this raw cupcake quest is getting a little out of control (I'm beginning to feel like Sam I Am from "Green Eggs and Ham") so lucky for you, I plan on toning it down a bit after tomorrow, as that's my 34th birthday - the day I had hoped to get a little raw cupcake recognition on your site and/or show.
But, since today is my last chance to show you what you've been missing (I'm talking about the cupcakes), you'll have to deal with yet another post full of raw vegan cupcakes with your face next to them (as well as some annoying tweets).
If you like what you see (still referring to the cupcakes), please make my birthday wish come true with a mention on your site, whether it be in the book section, listed under recipes (you have my permission to use one, as you are Ellen DeGeneres), talked about in a video diary (I'd really like to see a current one of those) or just added to the link section.

Thanks to all who are participating. My birthday is tomorrow. I wish I could show off a ton of your raw cupcakes that day (and maybe I can get a little Ellen recognition, as well). Pretty please, with naturally-colored coconut sprinkles on top!
How about a raw vegan sandwich cookie on top, too :-)
Also, don't forget about my birthday deal this week: The good people at Natural Zing have a birthday special in my honor. All of my readers who purchase $50 or more of raw cupcake-making ingredients (or whatever other products you like; I just thought you'd be on a raw cupcake kick) through Friday, April 30, 2010, will receive a pound of almonds free. Just enter the code: $50ALMONDS_RAWDORABLE in the comment box at check out. Happy birthday or unbirthday to all of you, too!