You may recall my stop on another virtual tour more than a year ago, when I reviewed Julie Gabriel's "The Green Beauty Guide," a book I still pick up from time to time (I know; I was on a cupcake kick then, so it's no surprise that there's another cupcake incorporated into this review post, as well). I guess I must have done a good job, as I was asked to hop on board with today's review, too.

Anyway, I do agree that it could change the way some people eat (there is a warning printed on the back of the book about this), although my mind was already made up to go veg. Therefore, for me, this book was yet another tale that ended in tears (although the conclusion was different than expected).
Unfortunately, we all know the fate of these well-fed cows, and at the end of the book, you're left questioning if what happened to the bull was any better. Like I said, it was just sad.
If you want to find out the conclusion of the story, leave a comment on this post pledging to go veg (at least for today, which is, of course, Earth Day), as the publisher is offering up two "Etre the Cow" books for me to give away. I'll pick two winners tomorrow. Good luck.
Anyway, I'd hoped to show you the inside of this cute cupcake, but thought it would be totally inappropriate due to the nature of this post. It made me think of that bleeding armadillo cake (although I'd never use red velvet as the base to this cupcake; I had enough trouble slicing into it with it's face smiling back at me) from "Steel Magnolias" (love the movie, but not the groom's cake in it). I guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out how to make it (don't worry; you'll be pleasantly surprised with what you find inside).
*BTW, with respect for poor Etre, I opted not to post Ellen photos today. The quest will resume tomorrow.
Earth Day Special: Just wanted to give my readers a heads up that you can get free shipping* on any size Natural Zing order today, April 22, 2010 from 11 a.m. EST to 11 p.m. EST.
*U.S. Domestic orders, contiguous states, ground shipping Natural Zing retail customers