Vote for me :-)
I know I said I wasn't going to post again for a few days, but this is an emergency. Could you ever say no to these puppy dog eyes? I know I couldn't.
Anyway, I keep losing my internet connection, so I'll make this brief. Please go and vote for me as your favorite raw dessert diva (although I wouldn't exactly call me a "diva") in the Raw Foods Witch's first ever "Food Fight" on her site. She has me paired up against my blogging buddy Heathy (why do we always have to be compared so much? I hope this doesn't hurt our friendship. Hopefully, it will end in a tie).
It is all in good fun. Please represent team "Rawdorable" and tell all your online friends to do the same. As always, thanks for your support :-)
Luv ya,
Shannonmarie, a.k.a. Rawdorable