Very soon, you'll be reading other blog posts from yours truly on another site, We Like It Raw (ever heard of it? I'm being sarcastic), as I will be the newest member of the 2008 WLIR squad. I'll be contributing a weekly post, similar to my usual format with a recipe to share.
I mentioned to Dhru the other day, that I feel like one of the Castaway's on his Gilligan's Island, although I thought he seemed more like the professor (especially after being named the sexiest raw foodie in a Give It To Me Raw discussion). That puts Anthony in the role of Gilligan (he's tall and skinny with dark hair; okay, so he's way hotter than the clumsy character we all know and love) and that leaves Philip as the Skipper (sorry Phil. I just figured with your sense of humor, you'd be okay with it).
As for the ladies, Sarma is Ginger, of course. There's no question about that one. And, that makes me Mary Ann.
I guess I am a Mary Ann; I fit the girl next door persona. I am the one in the group everyone can relate to. I live in a small town (far from glamorous), enjoy spending time with friends and family (doesn't everybody?), and when I make my meals, I "rawify" the SAD (Standard American Diet) favorites we all grew up on (rather than creating gourmet dishes; I'm a home-uncook, not a chef).
I'm just like my Banilla green smoothie (greens, bananas, lucuma, coconut butter and vanilla) I had this morning or the plain almond milk I poured on my cereal (I also had a glass while reading to my son this weekend). I'm a basic canvas just waiting for possibilities.
I can't wait to see what the future holds :-)
In the meantime, here are a few glammed up nut milks you can try: Vanilla Fig Nut Mylk, Mellow Carob Cocoa Almond Milk (skip the heating and swap out the rice syrup for agave), Tiger Milk, Strawberry and everyone's favorite, Chocolate.
Congratulations!!!! I do hope you will keep up with your daily blog also, I really enjoy checking in with you everyday. Now I will look forward to your post on We Like It Raw also! You Deserve It!
Thanks. I hope I didn't jinx anything by posting that. I still need to get to work on my first WLIR blog.
oh so cute gilligan's island comparison! you never fail to live up to your blog name. . . and i'm so looking forward to reading more from you because you truly can't get enough of a great thing!
x jenny
oh and the banilla shake sounds simple + lovely, perfect for my before ice-skating snack today!
Thanks Linda. I'm not sure if it was okay to say anything yet.
Jenny, I just couldn't help but think of the show. Everyone just fell into place.
I make this banilla concotion when I want my green smoothie to taste like a milkshake, but still be rather simple. Hope you enjoy it. I used to love ice-skating. It's been a while.
Congrats! Keep encouraging those people to embrace a healthy eating lifestyle using your creative juices! :o)
Wow, that's fantastic! Congrats. I will look forward to your posts on We Like It Raw!
that's fantastic!
don't forget about us little people now that you're a syndicated star
Oh, I'm so happy for you, Shannonmarie!!! If you do as good a job as you do on your blog, you'll do awesome!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you (whew, I'm out of breath).
Liz, do you still want a recipe for Green Lemonade? I tried to e-mail you with the address from your newsletter, but I hadn't heard back.
Charissa, I saw your blog. Looks like we were both in the mood for vanilla.
Congrats! Two of my favorite sites come together in perfect harmony. How convenient!
xx B
yes, i do. how about the cherry ice cream? email me at elizhamilton@gmail.com so we can chat about it. thanks!
Hi Shannon,
Dhru's twitter told me you're joining their team, congratulations!!! :oD
Lots of love from Neens
Shannon in the house!
Nice to meet you, Neens. Thanks for stopping by.
Dhru, that's right. I am in my house. Ha ha :-)
Do you think Dhru would ever let me become Lovie?
how did I get to be skipper again.. : )
Penni, I don't know what goes on in Dhru's brilliant brain. Some questions are better asked at the source. But, I was wondering if he had plans for the Howes in the future.
Sorry Philip. As I said in the post, I thought you would just laugh it off. I don't know how Dhru or Anthony would have taken it, but you can ask one of them to trade with you.
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